
Massive Russian Il-76 cargo plane crashes on the way to Ukraine

Above: Putin with Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu this week” class=”blkBorder img-share” />

General Sir Richard branded Putin a ‘blood-stained autocrat’ who has brought ‘the politics of iron and blood back to Europe’.

Above: Putin with Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu this week

“The IOC will take this decision at the appropriate time at its full discretion, without being bound by results of previous Olympic qualifiers,” Bach said.

He did not say when the IOC would take that decision.

The prime minister, who is expected to arrive in Australia late on Tuesday, will hold a one-on-one with his New Zealand counterpart Jacinda Ardern in Sydney later this week for the annual meeting between the two nations’ leaders.

Over lunch, he confided playfully that he had recently ‘had a very strange phone call’. (The explosive read-out of Donald Trump’s July call with Zelensky, in which Trump appeared to promise to unfreeze military aid in exchange for an investigation of his political rival Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s business dealings in Ukraine, was released ten days later.)

Mr Albanese also announced a ban on imports of Russian gold and sanctions and travel bans on 16 more Russian ministers and oligarchs, bringing the total number to 843 individuals and 62 entities targeted.

Reuters reported that Governor Oleksiy Kuleba wrote on Telegram that Mr Albanese visited the towns of Bucha, Irpin, and Hostomel, where Ukraine says Russia committed atrocities against civilians.

Russia denies the allegations.

Troops from his 104th air assault regiment were reportedly in Bucha, the scene of alleged rape and torture atrocities committed by Vladimir Putin’s forces earlier in the war.

‘Dear brothers and sisters from Great Britain, the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is a tremendous loss to the whole civilised world,’ the young man begins.

‘Now the geography is different, it’s far from being just the DPR and LPR, it’s also Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions and a number of other territories,’ he said, referring to territories well beyond the Donbas that Russian forces have wholly or partly seized.

“I pay tribute to the courage, resilience, bravery and determination of you as the leader of Ukraine, of your defence force, but importantly as well of your entire population who are determined to stand up to a bully which is breaching international law without any provocation or any excuse,” Mr Albanese said.

The Ilyushin-76 cargo plane is seen as a fireball in the sky as it approaches the city, Ryazan.” itemprop=”description” />

A massive Russian Il-76 cargo plane has crashed en route to Ukraine, killing four crew, slot maxwin as it exploded into a huge fireball in the sky

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